October 24, 2010

New art

I've added some more art to my website. Here are a few pieces- hope you like them!

October 2, 2010


I designed some shirts with my logo on them for a showcase I'll be in this November. I'll post pictures soon! Perhaps I'm bias, but I think they look awesome. I have about 20 pieces to work on before the showcase, so I'll be very busy until then. If anyone has any ideas of things I should paint, please let me know. I can use all the ideas I can get right now! :)

September 8, 2010


Well, it's official. I have a facebook page. I'll be posting some art there too.

August 27, 2010

Updated Site

My website has been updated with a new look and some new paintings. Here are a few pieces....

May 16, 2010

Another shirt for sale!

I have another shirt up for sale on Sunday, May 23rd! It will be up for sale for 24hrs starting at 12am CST at www.riptapparel.com. Get it while you can and let me know what you all think!

March 28, 2010


Hello! I updated www.maryweaverart.com today with two pieces! I am working on a handful of illustrations currently and can't wait to post them as soon as they are done. Feel free to take a peek at the site and give me some feedback!

February 10, 2010


I'm currently working on a few new projects that I should be able to post by the end of the month. *fingers crossed* Until then....